I wish he would do more interesting period pieces! Largely because I want to see him in big pretty costumes/wigs. Allow me to make some suggestions!
1600s Europe
Only one question: what color wig? I vote, powdered white.

American Cowboy
Look at these pants!

1400s Italien
I wanna see him in tights!

1600s Mughal
This would show off his tiny waist so well!

1400s England
Puffed sleeves!

1820s England/American
Puffed sleeves and tiny waist!

1920s American college
He could rock a fur coat

Dark Ages Viking
It’s all about the hair.

2260s Starfleet
It even comes with those v-necks he loves!

90s German Goth

Future Australia

1920s Argentina
Tango dancer/Guacho

1980s Body Builder Culture

Ancient Egypt
little white mini-skirt

1970s California Skateboard Culture
He should always be wearing kneepads anyway.

Alexander the Great
Anything a Kapoor can do, Shahrukh can do better

Ancient England Druid
I don’t know if they looked like this, or even excited, but wouldn’t that beard be fun?

Ancient India