Filmikudhi has a daughter! Freshly arrived in the world just hours ago, ready to join her pre-existing child Mr. Toddles! This is very exciting of course, as are all babies, and especially DCIB babies. And this also gave me an idea for an SRK post! Which is good, because it’s day 17 and I am running out of ideas.
If I put on my “what would SRK say/do” hat, these are the 17 wishes I would make for this new little baby:
- Lusty joyous healthiness
- Loving parents who are always there
- A big brother that watches over you
- A taste for fine clothing
- A sense of rhythm
- A sense of humor
- Good eyebrows
- Thick hair
- Patience with stupid parents
- Ability to communicate as best as possible
- Curly hair
- Dimples
- An easy digestion
- No insomnia
- Constant happiness
- Be singing and talking even before you have words
- Be dancing even before you can walk
What are your DCIB baby wishes? As SRK, or as yourself?