The Hives are a group of eccentric Swedish rockstars, but their new song “Countdown to Shutdown” is the perfect track for those 9-5 workers looking to let their hair down on the weekend. Check it out below.
“4, 3, 2, 1,” Howlin’ Pelle barks in the single, over a slithering bass line. The frontman explained the song’s impatient themes in a statement, offering,
“The countdown to the financial collapse? The countdown to the weekend bender you’ve been waiting for? The countdown to your favorite sports competition? The Hives have you covered with ‘Countdown To Shutdown.’ A versatile banger for all your summer rock needs. Approximately 37% more effective than the closest competitor and sure to help your Q2 and Q3 results. Buy now and watch the stock rise!”
“Countdown to Shutdown” comes with a fun music video directed by SNASK, which sees a group of suits perform the song in an office before the real Hives — adorned in much flashier clothes — rock them out of the room.
The new song appears on The Death of Randy Fitzsimmons, The Hives’ first album in over a decade that drops in August. The band first previewed the record with Song of the Week “Bogus Operandi,” then played a fiery show in Los Angeles that we caught on camera. The rockers have more North American tour dates coming this fall, and tickets are on sale now here.