The Stand actor has had few bouts of controversy stretching back to 2020. In April of that year, a video surfaced online that appeared to show Ezra grabbing a woman by the neck in Reykjavik, Iceland. According to NBC News, they were never arrested or charged with any crime. The actor has not addressed this incident publicly.
Two years later, in March 2022, the Fantastic Beasts star was arrested after being charged with disorderly conduct and harassment. According to police, the actor allegedly became “agitated” when other people started singing karaoke at a bar in Hawaii. They were subsequently arrested on both offenses but was later released after posting $500 bail.
That following month, Ezra was arrested for alleged second-degree assault at a residence in Pāhoa. According to a police report, they were subsequently released “pending further investigation.” Charges have not been filed, per CNN. NBC News reached out to Ezra’s rep at the time for comment and did not hear back.