With Succession season 4’s recent episodes honing in on the three main siblings and the GoJo acquisition drama, some important storylines have flown under the radar. Succession season 4, episode 8 deliver on a massive election story, offering a healthy dose of anxiety, drama and emotional pain for both the characters and the audience. With two episodes remaining in the acclaimed HBO series’ final season, battle lines have been drawn, setting up some major conflicts in the process.
After Logan Roy’s death in Succession season 4, the expected trajectories of many of the season’s characters and storylines changed drastically. Between monumental political elections and trips to and from Norway, the grand scale of events in Succession season 4 make it easy to forget that it’s only been a handful of days since Logan’s death. With that, there are still many other characters, aside from the three main siblings and Lukas Matsson, looming and ready to fill the power vacuum that exists in Logan’s absence.
Succession Season 4 Still Needs To Resolve Kerry’s Story
In spite of Logan passing away in episode 3, his character still casts a shadow on the characters. Details surrounding his death and his last wishes are still vague and unexplored, and it seems that his upcoming funeral in episode 9 will provide some closure to the storyline. One character who could potentially return in this episode would be Kerry. The siblings had been estranged from their father for months before his passing, whereas Kerry maintained a close relationship with him. Her continued proximity to him puts her in a unique spot.
Early episodes in Succession season 4 established Kerry in a new position of power, displaying her as outspoken and striving toward her own goals in a way she hadn’t been before. Viewers had theorized at the time that something had gone on behind the scenes over the four-month span in between seasons. The funeral episode could see Kerry return with eye-opening information regarding Logan. This could allow her to cut a deal, aligning herself with one of the siblings to get her that dream news anchor job.
Why Kerry’s Story Could Be So Important To Succession’s Ending
Logan’s death has been an unsettling mystery, not only for the characters, but also for audiences. His offscreen death was taken a shocking development. Kerry could provide some resolution to this storyline due to her closeness with Logan. Alternatively, theories have proposed that Kerry could be pregnant with Logan’s child, or even that Kerry may have found a way to kill Logan in an effort to make a play for inheritance. Either of these twists could shake up the last couple episodes of Succession in a major way, and early episodes did hint that Kerry’s pregnancy was possible.