Back in August, Serena expressed her desire to grow her family in an essay for Vogue, in which she announced she was “evolving away from tennis.”
“In the last year, Alexis and I have been trying to have another child, and we recently got some information from my doctor that put my mind at ease and made me feel that whenever we’re ready, we can add to our family,” she wrote. “I definitely don’t want to be pregnant again as an athlete. I need to be two feet into tennis or two feet out.”
In the piece, Serena shared Olympia has been wanting a baby sister—noting the kindergartener “doesn’t want anything to do with a boy”—for quite some time. But becoming an older sibling isn’t the only thing she’s excited about these days.
When it comes to her current interests, it looks like Olympia is more so following in the footsteps of her athlete mom versus her tech entrepreneur dad.
“She’s been more into sports so far,” Alexis told CNN’s Chris Wallace. “She just started getting into golf, which I’m very much indulging. I was hoping to get more into soccer. We’re still not there yet. I think she’s actually winning. She’s more of a jock than a nerd at this point.”
And while he said he’s still having his daughter learn about technology—such as through the use of ChatGPT for bedtime stories—he ultimately wants her to pursue her own passions.
“Obviously, I’ll get her into programming soon enough,” he added, “and you know, as long as she does what she’s happy with, that’s all that matters.”