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The Force is strong with Cal in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, but players can make this connection even stronger by getting an upgrade to their Max Force through skill trees or the locations of special artifacts. Having more Force gives players more chances to manipulate enemies in combat with stunning slams or an explosive push. Increasing the max amount of this resource is especially important for players facing late-game foes on higher difficulties.
There are two ways players can improve Cal’s Max Force, from Force Essence crystals or from the Jedi Concentration Skill Tree. Essence crystals are hidden artifacts scattered all around the planets players visit and act as collectibles. Resources must be spent if players decide to invest into the Skill Tree, so some Max Force upgrades may take some time to earn as players complete plenty of the game’s content.
How to Use Skill Points to Upgrade Force in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
In the Force skills section that players can access whenever they sit at a Meditation Point, one of the trees that Cal may invest points into is called Jedi Concentration. The paths for this tree cannot be unlocked until players purchase the Attunement ability for one skill point, which increases Cal’s Max Force. This opens up three paths of different Force abilities for players to explore, including two more Max Force upgrades.
Although these next two improvements also give Cal more Max Force, they cost more than Attunement to unlock and are the most expensive abilities on this tree. Players should consider earning skill points quickly in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor by tracking down Rumors, completing missions, and scanning lots of the environment with BD-1. Thankfully, the path to these other upgrades isn’t blocked by other skills, requiring only four more points to invest fully.
How to Find Every Max Force Essence
Overall, players can find thirteen different Force Essence objects around Coruscant, Jedha, the Shattered Moon, Nova Garon, and Koboh. Similar to Max Health Essence upgrades in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, players might need certain abilities gained through the main story to reach these artifacts. Between stronger enemies, tricky platforming, and some puzzles, players need to be persistent to track down every Essence.
Area |
Force Essence Location |
Where to Find |
Coruscant |
Undercity Meats |
From the green barrier along the main path, players can take a left into an area with two golden doors. Taking the one on the left leads to a meat locker, which has the Essence in a small section to the left. |
Freight Handling Depot |
In a large room filled with Stormtroopers, players can grapple onto a moving crate toward another green shield. Through the shield has a path, players can take a right to find the Essence in front of a blue shield. |
Koboh |
Diagnostics Corridor |
Going through a shortcut here lets players grab a movable platform they must carry back into the corridor. Unfortunately, the Essence sits above them, so players need to set up the platform to jump off it toward the artifact. |
Devastated Settlement |
The Essence is simply found along the main path, near a set of stairs surrounded by Koboh matter on Level B of the area. |
Generator Underbelly |
Players can travel to the higher sections here by lifting a metal surface from the ground to reach higher platforms. Looking up further and bringing down a platform lets the player wall-run to a smaller ledge where the Essence sits. |
Gorge Crash Site |
As long as players have Force Lift and Force Slam, they can travel from the Gorge Crash Site Meditation Point across a zipline and up the next wire to a smaller area. From here, lifting the large metal object out of the water shows the Essence lying on it. |
Winding Ravine |
On two upper ledges, the Essence lies in wait as players must push two boxes around to make platforms they can jump up. Pushing one box down into the ravine from the end of the wall run and across the small gap allows players to move the second box forward to jump up to the Essence. |
Shattered Moon |
Assembly Staging |
Across the large gap where Lifter Droids are moving up and down, players can grapple onto one close to the top-left corner of the room, where the Essence sits on a small platform nearby. |
Jedah |
The Archive |
Close to The Archive Mediation Point in the Arid Flats, players can grapple the hanging object in the center of the library, then jump to their right onto a larger platform that hosts the Essence. |
Sanctuary Temple |
Right past a green shield that visibly blocks the Essence. |
Halls of Ranvell |
Within the Ancient Ruins, players can find a ledge just past the spiraling path down into the next area with an Essence resting near a grate. |
Penitent Chambers |
At the Penitent Chambers Meditation Point, players must go down to the large platform below before turning right to reach a series of climbable ledges. From here, taking the path at the top through an area with windows leads players to take a left toward a series of wall runs. Reaching the end of these runs using grapples and the Force shows the Essence on a small ledge at the top. |
Nova Garon |
Hanger Bay |
Going forward from the start of the Hanger Bay and to the left lets players slide down to a path with several barriers. At the end, taking a right leads to an office where players must travel past through another room to a small set of tubes that they can squeeze through. Using BD-1 to activate a mechanism across a large gap lets players grapple across past another barrier with Stormtroopers inside. Using another grapple point to travel up, players must use BD-1 again to move the mechanism back to where it was before going through yet another barrier with Security Droids. Another two walls to squeeze through show up in a room past here, into a much larger room with enemies to defeat. The Essence lies in a room past the rightmost door, past another couple of hallways. |
One of the most consistent obstacles to players when finding Force Essences are the green or red barriers found in many locations. To upgrade Cal’s Max Force in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, they need to have at least searched for the Pilgrim’s Sanctuary location with Merrin in an early chapter of the game’s story.