A talented cosplayer has produced a real-life version of Link’s Zonai arm from The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. The limb has been the focus of much discussion, with Link’s original arm having been radically altered following a devastating injury. However, it is now clear that Link’s arm is identical to those of the new race glimpsed in TOTK trailers, believed to be the mysterious Zonai tribe.
Reddit user Training-Praline-396 has made an incredible replica of Link’s metallic Zonai arm. Naturally, the project has greatly impressed their fellow fans, and the post revealing their creation has quickly received over 1.7 thousand upvotes.
Apparently intended to be part of a larger Link cosplay, the arm piece is made of foam held between two sheets of Worbla (a kind of thermoplastic resin) and painted to match the metallic look of the original. The interlocking segments of the arm are shaped to fit Training-Praline-396’s own arm exactly, and are held in place mostly through friction.
Impressive Zonai Arm Cosplay Glows With Power
With its metal parts on full display, Link’s Zonai-like arm either integrates Zonai technology or is entirely prosthetic. The example of advanced technology is one of several similarities between the Zonai and Sheikah in TOTK, suggesting a connection between the two tribes. The limb has also been shown to glow whenever Link uses his new abilities, indicating that it serves as TOTK’s Sheikah Slate equivalent. Training-Praline-396 has replicated this effect as well, using a carefully mixed shade of fluorescent paint to cover the arm in lines of power. The effect is striking as the arm is moved into the shade, making it seem as if the arm is powering up.
TOTK Link Cosplay In The Making Looks Incredible
Although the full sequence of events is not yet understood, Link suffers a dramatic injury in Tears of the Kingdom after Ganondorf assaults him with Malice, which then envelops his entire arm. However, this turn of events may actually be to Link’s advantage, as the apparent Zonai replacement has granted him access to potent new abilities in Tears of the Kingdom such as Fuse and Ascend. This functionality also implies that the Zonai as a whole may have similar powers, which would make them a force to be reckoned with. Fortunately, they also seem to be friendly, with one Zonai figure in particular shown comforting Zelda in the third pre-release trailer.
The amount of detail that has gone into this arm is amazing. The luminescent details in particular truly bring the cosplay to life, as if Link were activating one of his new powers. If matched with an appropriate covering or paint for the cosplayer’s underlying arm, it is clear that Training-Praline-396 will be able to perfectly replicate Link’s appearance in Tears of the Kingdom, or the appearance of an actual Zonai for that matter. It is little wonder that so much praise has already been given to this cosplay arm, and the skill on display promises great things for the full outfit.
Source: Training-Praline-396/Reddit