At the beginning of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor the protagonist of the game, Cal Kestis, has an opening mission that takes place on the notable city-covered planet of Coruscant, but then the progression of the story takes Cal away from this Imperial Center. Partly due to this city’s prominent roots in the Star Wars franchise, players may feel a bit disappointed that the time they spend there is so limited. Of course, Cal’s adventures take him to several planets during the campaign, but despite the game featuring a semi-open world nature, the story is linear and there are clear guidelines on where Cal should – or should not – be at certain times.
Coruscant is a planet steeped with interesting politics in the Star Wars franchise and its presence in Jedi: Survivor can be an exciting prospect for fans. It is, after all, one of the most important historical locations within the lore, both as the Imperial Center of the Galactic Empire and as possibly even the homeworld of humanity itself. Players may feel sad when they realize how quickly they leave it all behind, but the narrative will keep them busy and there is a lot to experience in the game overall until they eventually return.
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Does Allow Players To Return To Coruscant
After the opening mission in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor forces Cal to flee the planet, players are unable to return to Coruscant for a chunk of the game, but eventually, it does become unlocked again for players to enjoy. After certain points of the narrative have been completed Coruscant will become available on the holotable’s map. Anyone who has peeked at the requirements to beat Jedi: Survivor with all the achievements will notice there are 29 collectibles to find on Coruscant, which is a good early indication that Cal will return there.
Cal Must Complete Some Missions On Jedha Before Returning To Coruscant
In order to go back to Coruscant in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor there are missions on Jedha that Cal has to take care of first. Players must complete the Sanctuary Temple’s mission on Jedha and meet Brother Armias there. After this is done, Merrin will agree to join Cal, which means she is able to use her powers to cloak the ship and avoid detection from the Imperial Army when they make their way back to the planet. This is the key factor which then opens up the location for players.
Coruscant holds a considerable amount of history and lore for fans of the franchise, and if all that players were able to do was the first opening mission, it would be a missed opportunity for the developers. Thankfully, this is not the case and players can return to Coruscant later in the game and explore in greater detail. In this way, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor helps to add even more to the classic Star Wars feeling and provide even more of the classic content and Easter eggs for players to enjoy.
Source: EA Star Wars/YouTube