Martin Scorsese’s upcoming film Killers of the Flower Moon has had its runtime confirmed amid many reports, including claims it could be close to 4 hours long. Based on Eric Roth’s 2017 book of the same name, the film brings the real-life story of the Osage Nation murders in Oklahoma during the 1920s to the big screen. Killers of the Flower Moon stars Leonardo DiCaprio and will be released in October.
According to Deadline, the runtime for Killers of the Flower Moon has been revealed, with the final cut clocking in at 3 hours and 26 minutes. This makes the movie 3 minutes shorter than Scorsese’s previous film, The Irishman, which is 3 hours and 29 minutes long. It also knocks the 3-hour The Wolf of Wall Street down the list of Scorsese’s longest movies, replacing it as the director’s second-longest feature film.
How Killers Of The Flower Moon’s Length Compares To Other Films
Previous reports put Killer of the Flower Moon‘s runtime at a much lengthier 3 hours and 54 minutes, closer to the historical classic Gone with the Wind. This claim lined up with comments from Cannes Film Festival director Thierry Fremaux, who said it was five minutes longer than Once Upon a Time in America; that film’s European cut is 3 hours and 49 minutes. However, it appears the final length of the film will be 28 minutes shorter than previously expected.
While it may not be Scorsese’s longest film, Killers of the Flower Moon still ranks with the likes of Titanic (3 hours and 14 minutes) and Avatar: The Way of Water (3 hours and 12 minutes) as a film that crosses the 3-hour mark. Much longer movies do exist, such as 1996’s Hamlet (4 hours and 2 minutes) or Sátántangó (a massive 7 hours and 19 minutes). However, the existence of such lengthy films don’t undermine just how long Killers of the Flower Moon is, as it is certainly one of the biggest films in recent memory.
The subject of Killers of the Flower Moon also justifies its runtime, as it will have to explore the newly-formed FBI’s involvement in the Osage case, as well as the discovery of oil on tribal land. With a cast consisting of DiCaprio, Robert DeNiro, and Brendan Fraser, among many others, it appears the movie will be a memorable work surrounding the subject. It’s clear from the film’s massive length that there will be plenty for Killers of the Flower Moon to explore while engaging audiences around its story.
Source: Deadline