90 Day Fiancé stars wrote heartfelt notes for their moms on Mother’s Day, some of which were quite touching. Since 2014, the hit TLC show has showcased many mother figures from different backgrounds. Some have been quite nice, while others have gotten major backlash on social media. Sumit Singh’s mother, Sadhna Singh, is one supporting cast member who was greatly disliked. Since her debut on the show, Sadhna did everything she could to break Sumit’s relationship with Jenny Slatten. She put hurdles in front of the couple, bringing them to the verge of a breakup.
Similarly, Samoan star Asuelu Pulaa’s mother Lesina Pulaa, also got much hate online. She pressed her son to give her money and didn’t care that he had family responsibilities. Lesina’s self-centered behavior and narcissism quickly made her one of the most disliked supporting cast members. Even Colt Johnson’s mother, Debbie Johnson, got criticism for being involved in her son’s adult life and not letting him steer his relationship. But she shed her villain label after appearing on 90 Day: The Single Life and moving on with her new partner, Tony.
10 Sumit Shares Rare Happy Picture With Mom
On May 14, many TLC stars celebrated Mother’s Day and showcased love to their moms. Sumit Singh shared a cute selfie of himself with Sadhna. He wrote, “I understand you Mom,” while adding that his mother is one of the most important people in his life. Sumit used the post to share how Sadhna has taught him many things, from being calm to fighting for truth. He added, “There is no way I doubt my mother,” while concluding that his mother is a nice person. While Sumit didn’t address whether Sadhna had taken him back after disowning him on the show, he clearly loves his mummy.
9 Jorge Posts Sweet Family Picture To Celebrate His Wife
Jorge Nava shared a touching Mother’s Day post and dedicated it to his new wife, Rhoda. He posted a cuddly beach day photo of his family, adding a note for his partner. Jorge wrote, “You are a true wonder,” stating that his wife is an “extraordinary woman” for winning his heart, becoming a wonderful mom, and juggling countless roles daily. Jorge showered his wife with compliments and asserted that she was the rock of his family. He was previously married to Anfisa Arkhipchenko, who made his life miserable. As such, it’s understandable why Jorge is so thankful to Rhoda, as she fixed his life and gave him the commitment of a real partner.
8 Jovi Writes Thoughtful Note To Yara
Jovi Dufren appears to be a party boy who likes to live a carefree life. However, he recently posted a loving message for his wife Yara Zaya on Mother’s Day, showing his rare romantic side. The New Orleans native shared a few memorable photos of himself and Yara over the years, adding that she’s the mom he always dreamed of having for his child. He wrote, “I truly appreciate everything you do,” while adding that he’s thankful for everything Yara does as a wife and the mother of their daughter, Mylah. Jovi humorously thanked his mom, Gwen Eymard, who raised him to be an “amazing human.”
7 Robert Shows His Romantic Side To Honor Anny
Robert Springs rarely shows his romantic side on Instagram and keeps his emotions private for his Dominican wife, Anny Francisco. However, he recently shared a sneak peek of his date with Anny at Lake Nona, showing how much he loves her. Robert wrote, “Happy mother’s day,” while tagging his wife in the post and thanking her. He also flaunted the food he got her on her special day, to which Anny quickly replied in the comments. She wrote, “I love it,” showing her love for her husband.
6 Kobe Calls Emily “The Protector” Of The Family
90 Day Fiancé season 9 star Kobe Blaise has always showcased his love for his wife, Emily Bieberly, and Mother’s Day was no exception. Kobe posted a loving video tribute to his wife using the song, “A Song For Mama.” He called Emily the “most beautiful woman” he has known, and told her she’s much more to him than a good wife. According to Kobe, Emily is the protector of his family, a hero, and a guardian angel. The Cameroonian man also gave Emily a sentimental gift. However, the Kansas woman kept it private and didn’t reveal it on Instagram.
5 Deavan Gets Lovely Message From BF Topher
Deavan Clegg’s ex-husband Jihoon Lee wasn’t a great partner to her. However, the Utah native’s current boyfriend, Topher Park, is the opposite. While he hasn’t married the 90 Day Fiancé franchise alum yet, he posted a loving message for her on Mother’s Day, making it clear that he’s husband material. He wrote, “Happy Mudder’s Day,” while quoting Deavan’s lovely daughter, Drascilla. Topher shared some of Deavan’s sweetest mommy moments on Instagram and playfully wrote, “#bowchickawowwow.” He posted throwback photos from Deavan’s childhood and unseen photos from their first child’s birth in 2022.
4 Kim Menzies Misses Her Mom
Kim Menzies has rarely talked about her mother on the show or social media. However, the 53-year-old woman took to Instagram to share a loving tribute to her mother, who is no longer alive. She wrote, “I was blessed to have my mom,” adding that she misses her daily. Kim shared many photos of her mother with her followers, showing how close the two were. The San Diego native added, “She was my rock,” and admitted that her life hadn’t been the same since her mother’s passing. 90 Day Fiancé viewers shared their love in the comments and were stunned to see how Kim and her mom looked like twins.
3 Veronica Rodriguez Shares Photo With Her Mom & Daughter
Veronica Rodriguez celebrated Mother’s Day by praising her mom and herself for being great parents. She posted family photos featuring her mother, Maydel Hocking, and her daughter, Chloe Sanchez. The 37-year-old North Carolina native first honored her mother in the caption, and then playfully shared a message to her daughter. She wrote, “I may be your momma, but you’re my bestie.” Chloe also chimed in the post to tell her “moma“ that she loved her. However, Veronica jokingly corrected her and replied, “love you baby (Ps momma has 2 “m”‘ s).”
2 Kara Rojer Celebrates Her First Mother’s Day As Mom
Kara Rojer was a standout star on 90 Day Fiancé season 9 as she mostly cared about her work. Therefore, it was shocking when she got pregnant right after the show concluded and welcomed a son soon after. This year, Kara celebrated her first-ever Mother’s Day as a mom and took the opportunity to share some thoughts with her fans. She captioned the post, “Being your mom is the greatest responsibility,” adding that she loves being her baby’s mother at every moment. Kara posted a cute photo of herself breastfeeding her child that got over 10k likes in a few hours. Surprisingly, Kara’s husband, Guillermo Rojer, was absent from the post.
1 Elizabeth Castravet Is Proud To Be A Mother Of Two
Elizabeth Castravet always had a motherly charm about herself on the show. She looked happy when she welcomed her first child Eleanor, and fully embraced her life as a mom. In 2022, Libby gave birth to her second child, Winston Leo, and became a powerful mom influencer among fans. Recently, she shared a cute family portrait on Instagram, where she applauded herself for being a mother of two. She wrote, “Word can’t describe how I feel being their Mother,” and wished all the mothers a wonderful Mother’s Day. Her husband Andrei Castravet posted a loving throwback compilation of his wife on social media, which got love from 90 Day Fiancé fans.
Source: Sumit Singh/Instagram, Jorge Nava/Instagram, Jovi Dufren/Instagram, Robert Springs/Instagram, Kobe Blaise/Instagram, Topher Park/Instagram, Kim Menzies/Instagram, Veronica Rodriguez/Instagram, Kara Rojer/Instagram, Elizabeth Castravet/Instagram, Andrei Castravet/Instagram