Frank Lucas inspired the 2007 film American Gangster with his heroin business in the late 60s. Ridley Scott directed the crime drama, with Denzel Washington playing Lucas and Russell Crowe playing detective Richie Roberts. The film follows Lucas’ drug business, where he sold heroin as “blue magic” and was convicted in 1976 for drug trafficking. He was sentenced to 70 years in prison but became an informant and was placed in the Witness Protection Program with his family. Lucas also admitted he used to smuggle drugs into the country by hiding them in the coffins of dead Vietnam soldiers.
The movie took some creative liberties, changing some of the story to make American Gangster more interesting. Lucas admitted that much of the movie was not accurate to what happened. The DEA even sued Universal calling the agency’s portrayal demoralizing. However, the film received mostly positive reviews and was nominated for two Academy Awards. With the film’s continued popularity years later, many have wondered what happened to Lucas after the film premiered and if he’s still alive today.
Frank Lucas Died In 2019
Unfortunately, Lucas passed away in 2019 of natural causes. Rolling Stone reported his death at 88 years old after Lucas’ nephew Aldwan Lassiter confirmed it. In his remaining years, the drug dealer was in a wheelchair as he broke both legs in a car accident.
While Lucas avoided the 70 years in prison he was initially sentenced to, he was caught selling heroin in 1984 and served seven years in prison. As American Gangster shows, Lucas’ wife, Julianna Farrait, stood by his side and even played a big role in his drug dealing.
What Happened To Frank Lucas’ Wife After Prison?
Farrait has also faced jail time for drug dealing, and in 2010 was arrested in Puerto Rico for trying to sell cocaine. Farrait was convicted for her involvement in her husband’s crimes and spent five years in prison. When she was released, the couple spent some time apart, and Farrait even moved back to Puerto Rico. However, they ultimately reunited later on.
Since Lucas’ death, Farrait has stayed out of the media and lived a very private life. There have been no updates on her or whether or not she is still alive, so it is assumed she is. Luckily, this also means she’s likely been staying out of trouble and has no plans to get involved in any more drug businesses that could inspire another movie like American Gangster.
Source: Rolling Stone