A newly released The Dragon Prince season 5 poster teases a dangerous voyage ahead. The Netflix animated fantasy series follows the adventures of royal half-brothers Prince Callum and Prince Ezran, Moonshadow Elf Rayla, and Dragon Prince Zym as they attempt to keep the peace between the human world and the magical world of Xadia. Although the heroes managed to avoid a catastrophic war at the end of season 3, a resurrected Viren hopes to free the mysterious ancient Startouch Elf Aaravos who could bring about a new era of terror.
The Dragon Prince recently shared a new season 5 poster which teases a dangerous voyage ahead.
On the verge of being swallowed by a towering wave, lightning appears to strike a ship traversing rough seas. A massive dragon lurks beneath the surface, seemingly ready to attack the exposed travelers.
What to Expect From The Dragon Prince Season 5
The Dragon Prince season 4 concluded with Viren, Claudia, and Terry locating the map leading to Aaravos’ prison. With Rayla hot on their heels, Claudia reveals the elf’s parents were not killed by Viren when the Dragon Prince’s egg was stolen, but trapped within magical coins. Her cruelty exposed, Terry begins to question Claudia’s motives and character.
Season 5 will likely see Claudia and Terry’s relationship tested as they continue to Aaravos. At first, he believed he was helping his girlfriend with her quest to save her father, but after killing Skywing Elf mage Ibis and witnessing the dark magic Claudia holds, Terry’s resolve is challenged. During their upcoming journey, he may attempt to convince Claudia to find another way to save her father or quit the journey entirely.
With Rayla’s parents revealed to be held by magic within Claudia’s coins, the Moonshadow elf may forgo the chase for Viren and solely focus on freeing her family. Ezran and Callum would assuredly do whatever they can to help her, but with Aaravos on the verge of freedom, which could lead to the undoing of everything they have achieved, the brothers will likely continue their pursuit of Claudia and Viren, even if it means leaving Rayla behind. With The Dragon Prince season 5 (dubbed Book 5: Ocean) set to release on Netflix this summer, audiences do not have to wait much longer to see if Viren will be stopped before reaching Aaravos.
Source: The Dragon Prince/Twitter