More than a decade since its release, the best In Bruges quotes have stayed with fans and added to the movie’s lasting legacy. Martin McDonagh’s feature directorial debut introduced fans around the world to his gift for pitch-black comedy and sharp dialogue. The movie is a spiritual meditation on guilt and violence as two hitmen are sent to the titular Belgian city, a purgatory of sorts, while their boss decides their fate following a hit gone terribly wrong.
Prior to leading the cast of The Banshees of Inisherin, Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson shared magnificent on-screen chemistry in the lead roles, Ray and Ken, and brought McDonagh’s brilliant dialogue to life as each actor gave one of their greatest-ever performances. The In Bruges characters are endlessly quotable as they squabble about their forced vacation, deal with the uncertainty of their position, and make darkly hilarious observations.
“I Didn’t Even Know Where Bruges F****** Was.”
Ray (Colin Farrell)
In the opening moments of the movie sets the tone for this first In Bruges quote. In narration, Ray explains why he and Ken are in Bruges. As he explains their orders from their boss Harry, Ray admits he wasn’t even aware where Bruges was. It sets up the otherworldly feel of the city that Ray finds himself stranded in and his complete lack of interest in being there. However, it also captures that feeling that he is in purgatory and has been transported to this mysterious place as punishment.
“Could We Reserve Judgement On Bruges Until We’ve Seen The F****** Place?”
Ken (Brendan Gleeson)
The great joy of In Bruges is seeing Farrell and Gleeson play off each other and their bickering relationship starts immediately. As soon as Ray and Ken arrive in Bruges, Ray declares that the city is a “s***hole.” Ken says it isn’t and Ray insists that it is, so Ken shuts him down with some dry wit. He tells him, “Ray, we only just got off the f*cking train! Could we reserve judgment on Bruges until we’ve seen the f***ing place?” The two men, though partners, could not be more different as Ken is willing to see the beauty of the place while Ray is more content just complaining.
“A Great Day This Has Turned Out To Be.”
Ray (Colin Farrell)
When Ken reluctantly heads out to kill Ray, he discovers that he’s become suicidal following their botched hit. He stops him from killing himself, but with the order that he has to kill him anyway. Ray laments the situation he finds himself in with his dark thoughts and a price on his head from Harry. Yet the thing that seems to give him the most grief is that he is still stuck in Bruges. Martin McDonagh and Colin Farrell have proven to be terrific collaborators and Farrell is especially brilliant in playing McDonagh’s sad-sack characters, as the delivery of this In Bruges quote effortlessly demonstrates.
“Ray, You Are About The Worst Tourist In The Whole World.”
Ken (Brendan Gleeson)
A funny aspect of In Bruges is that it shows the picturesque and medieval nature of Bruges, but the city is also constantly being put down by Ray. Ken has a wonderful time because, unlike Ray, he actually enjoys sightseeing. It feels like a father and son on a trip as the father is trying to get the moody child to engage with this new place. Ray’s dislike of Bruges is made hilariously ironic and sad when it is revealed that Harry sent him there as a final treat before having him killed.
“That’s For John Lennon, You Yankee F****** C***!”
Ray (Colin Farrell)
All of Martin McDonagh’s movies have a biting sense of humor with characters who are not always likable but can be counted on for the occasional hilarious outburst. Ray has a bunch of run-ins with tourists during his time in Bruges, picking fights simply because he isn’t enjoying his time. At one point, he beats up a tourist that he believes to be American and partially justifies it as revenge for the death of John Lennon. When he later finds out that the man was Canadian, he feels bad as he insists the Canadians had nothing to do with Lennon’s death.
“I Mean No Disrespect, But You’re A C***.”
Ken (Brendan Gleeson)
Though not previously known for his comedic talents, Ralph Fiennes steals the show in perhaps the funniest role in In Bruges. He plays Ray and Ken’s boss Harry with perfect comic timing — as Harry’s response to this In Bruges quote perfectly demonstrates — but he’s still a sinister villain whose immense power makes him a formidable foe to be on the wrong side of. Though Ken and Ray was intimidated by Harry, Ken finally stands up to him in order to save Ray’s life. When they come face to face as Harry arrives in Bruges, Ken ensures Harry that he has respect for him but then insults him directly to his face. Harry’s enraged reaction makes the moment even better.
“So, Harry Waters Wants Me Dead. What A W*****.”
Ray (Colin Farrell)
The relationship between Ken and Ray is at the heart of In Bruges and turns surprisingly poignant in the end. Despite how different these two men are, Ken looks after Ray like he is family. Despite his allegiance to Harry, he is willing to betray him in order to give Ray another chance at life. Ken even goes so far as to tell Ray about Harry’s plans to kill him and the real reason they were sent to Bruges. Once again, Ray’s hatred for the city outweighs even his own life as he is most just perplexed why Harry would choose Bruges and not the Bahamas as a final getaway.
“Just Try Not To Say Anything Too Loud Or Crass.”
Ken (Brendan Gleeson)
Compared to Ray, Ken is a pleasant tourist who is making the most of his time in Bruges. However, once he is given the assignment of killing Ray, his spirit drops, and he is much less jovial about everything. He even starts to adopt some of Ray’s moody behavior when it comes to interacting with others. When Jimmy, an actor in town on a film shoot, strikes up a conversation with Ken at the pub, Jimmy tells him that he is American. While Ken isn’t quite as hostile to Americans as Ray is, he does share his view on what the typical American acts like, which leads to this hilarious In Bruges quote.
“I Really, Really Hoped I Wouldn’t Die.”
Ray (Colin Farrell)
In the final moments of In Bruges, Ray is taken to an ambulance and his fate is left uncertain. He explains in voiceover that, if he survives, he plans to find the mother of the kid he killed and accept whatever punishment she decides is fitting for his crime. However, as he continues to muse, he realizes that Hell might just be an eternity stuck in Bruges. Though the movie keeps Ray’s final fate ambiguous, his final line solidifies his arc. He is ready to accept punishment for his crime, yet he no longer feels that he needs to die because of his mistake. It is a heartbreaking final realization that he wants to survive.
“I Know I’m Awake, But It Feels Like I’m In A Dream.”
Ken (Brendan Gleeson)
One of the strongest themes in In Bruges is self-reflection, as the trip to Belgium gives Ray and Ken plenty of time to reflect on their choices and the consequences of those choices. Martin McDonagh’s script is filled with thought-provoking lines whose meanings aren’t immediately clear. When talking to Harry about Ray’s reaction to Bruges, he lies and assures Harry that he loves his time in the city and finds it dreamlike. Indeed, the entire movie has a bit of that quality as Bruges feels like a place removed from the rest of the world and Ken and Ray are waiting to wake up.