I think only FilmiKudhi and I will be super excited about this, but we will be VERY excited! Kuch Naa Kaho is a minor but enjoyable rom-com from the 2000s which has not been available anywhere but einthusan for ages. And now it’s for rent! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! We can do a WatchAlong!!!
I am available basically any time this weekend except Sunday night. So, Friday evening? Saturday morning? Saturday afternoon? Saturday evening? Sunday morning? Sunday afternoon? What’s good?
And now, let me sell you on this movie! It’s the 2000s! Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy did the music! Abhishek and Aish co-starring before they were dating! Satish Shah is a kick! Lowkey feminist storyline! Everyone is wearing those stupid STUPID bellbottom pants with kick slits that were really in for like 18 months! Come on now, you know you want to watch it!