Happy Saturday!!!! I spent Wednesday sleeping and recovering, Thursday and Friday working flat out to make up all the work I missed, and now today, FINALLY, I get to see Dunki!!!!!
Things to talk about!
How were all your holidays? Mine were PERFECT. I got to be “Santa” for the nephews and put all their presents out, and then see the 4 year old nephew run downstairs and immediately start digging out the presents with his name on them. And then have an emotional breakdown a little bit later in the day and go hide under the blankets. I also managed to watch some Bake Off holiday specials with my sister during naptime, and I made the 1 year old nephew laugh by putting a thing on my head! The subtle humor of babyhood.
There’s a new Fighter song trailer! My big take away is that Hrithik continues to have tiny little skinny legs that he is afraid to show us. Oh, and second, I love watching him dance.
In “news that makes me giggle”, Aamir Khan is learning classical music. Of course he is! That is SUCH an Aamir thing to do. He’s hired a teacher and is spending an hour a day practicing his classical singing. Also, Ira is marrying a “fitness trainer”? I don’t like that for Ira. She could do better.

There is apparently in incredibly juicy fraud case going on! Sukesh Chandrashekhar is a professional conman who pulled off crazy frauds and ALSO dated Jacqueline Fernandez and gave her elaborate expensive presents. And now he is in jail and continuing to message Jacqueline love messages, which are being leaked to the press. Meanwhile, he claims he should be allowed to keep doing that because “Sukesh Chandrasekhar’s fresh application stated, “I am ready to undergo any punishment if even one single letter sent to Jacqueline proves or covers my content that is threatening, intimidating or related to any of the cases or matters pertaining to the ongoing EOW (Economic Offence Wing) or ED cases,” ANI reported.” Before he went to jail, he sent Jacqueline a horse? Please don’t send me a horse. SUCH an inconvenient present.
Actually, that’s a good discussion question! He sent Jackie a Mini-Cooper, a Horse, and 4 cats. Which of these presents is MOST inconvenient? I’m honestly torn between the horse and the cats. A horse at least you can just pay for stabling and be rid of it, cats are in your house forever. A car would also be inconvenient, but it’s a mini, so you can park it anywhere.
Okay, now I finish breakfast and then OFF TO DUNKI!!!